Privacy Policy

This page explains how The Playhouse collects, manages, uses and discloses your Personal Information from the website, ("Site"). This Privacy Policy applies to the Site and all tangible products and intangible services offered by The Playhouse and is subject to the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (No. 26 of 2012), related regulations and subsidiary legislation and guidelines provided by the Singapore Personal Data Protection Commission. For user or customer outside of Singapore, the jurisdictions concerning local data protection standards may be different.
When you sign up as a user on the Site, submit information, surf any products or services offered by us, it constitutes your consent with, acknowledgement and understanding of, and agreement with, our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

The Personal Data that we collect from you include your name, gender, nationality, NRIC, passport number or any other identification number, mailing address(es), telephone number(s), email address(es), payment information and transaction details and any other information which you have provided to us through any forms that have been submitted or any interactions with our Site.

The Playhouse collects your Personal Data when you:
a. submit any forms related to our products and services or sign up or register as a customer on our Site through a form
b. visit or surf the products or services provided on our Site with a cookies-enabled browser which you will do anonymously.
c. request information from us, for example, subscribing to our newsletter or mailing lists.
d. interact with our customer service personnel via any channels such as phone calls, emails or letters.
e. purchases products or services through our Site.
f. provide us Personal Data for any other reasons.
You are responsible for all Personal Data that have been submitted to us. Failure on providing Personal Data that is complete, accurate, true and correct may cause us unable to provide desired Products and Services.

Your personal data will be collected, used, and disclosed for the following purposes:
a. To respond to your queries, requests, comments and feedback or any other assistance.
b. To resolve complaints from users.
c. To conduct investigations on disputes, transaction, billing or fraud.
d. To organise promotional activities and administer a content or other Site features.
e. To send you any updates via email, telephone, SMS or any other channels.
f. To personalize user experience and improve our Site.
g. To manage and administer the business operations of The Playhouse.
h. To obtaining advice for legal purposes.
i. To perform business and administrative functions with the services from third-party service providers.
j. To conduct analytics and tracking.
k. To organise promotions and services with third party businesses with whom we collaborate.
l. To conduct analytics and tracking.
m. Any purposes that are related to the purposes mentioned above.

The Playhouse always take necessary actions to protect your Personal Data. As permitted or required by the related regulations, we may disclose the Personal Data for compliance with regulations relating to anti-money laundering and countering financing of terrorism.

To improve your online experience when visiting our Site, The Playhouse uses Cookies for the following purposes:
a. Perform some functions and features on the Site which required Cookies.
b. To construct a profile of how users surf the Site.
c. To obtain and establish usage statistics.
d. For customization on user content.
Users may choose to turn off the processing of cookies by configuring your browser. However, this may result in the loss of certain personalized features and cause some
functions might not work properly.

The Site may contain links that access other third party Sites or any advertisement that provided by third party advertisers. Their cookies policies may differ from those of ours and we don't exercise control over those Sites. Thus, any access to third party Sites and advertising is on your own risk. We encourage users to review the Privacy Policy from third party Sites and The Playhouse is not responsible for the Privacy and Cookies policies of third party websites.

The Playhouse reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any point of time and may update this Privacy Policy to ensure that this Policy is always in line with changes in legal or regulatory requirements. The last updated date, located at the bottom of this page, indicates the last time this Privacy Policy was materially updated. Users are encouraged to review this page regularly to stay updated on any changes that we had made to the Policy.

Any enquiries regarding to your Personal Data or about the Privacy Policy, you may reach us at

Your shopping experience in The Playhouse is always at our highest priority. This page explains the Terms and Conditions (the “T&Cs”) that apply to our website (the “Site”) and outline the terms and conditions in providing products and services to you through the Site. Users are encouraged to read these T&Cs before making any purchase from the Site. By making any purchase or order, you are deemed to have read, understood, acknowledged, and agreed to be bound by these T&Cs. Please visit this page regularly to stay updated with the changes we have made to these T&Cs.

We are The Playhouse (“we”, “us”, “theplayhouse”), registered business under AHFOD in Singapore (Business Registration No. 53421699D).